Human Social and Interactive #IA in ActuIA N°8

CarouselDancing is very proud about the article published in the latest edition of the ActuIA magazine and grateful to Johanna Diaz, its chief editor, to have recognized and understood the research challenge the project addresses. Far from being frivolous, our research on understanding the body language is a core challenge of future #IA “How to understand the human, for doing good to humanity”.
Follow this link for registering to the magazine.
CarouselDancing main ambition is to make people happy dancing, socializing and partying. Yet we are convinced that the innovation potential of the “socially enabled” digital characters goes ways beyond these objectives. Indeed the learning of the project can be applied to many applications in many areas requiring physical interaction in a meaningful social way. we Beyond social, entertainment, health and educational applications, CAROUSEL+ learning and understanding of body language and group dynamics could be deployed in many other areas, including security, peace-making, emergency handling and autonomous driving. Digital characters may be applied for handling panic, pacifying and comfort, for instance in emergency situations